Make a difference.


we are proud to partner with the Sol y Luna Foundation, an extraordinary charity that provides care & education to kids in peru, by giving away £1 on every bill, at our 3 restaurants.

Help us give children born into extreme poverty the future they deserve. sol y luna provides love, care and education to children from Peru’s poorest communities. 90% of the children supported by the Sol y Luna Foundation come from backgrounds of extreme poverty.

The Sol y Luna Foundation dates back to 1998 and is run by Petit Miribel who moved to Urubamba in the 1990s. The foundation consists of the Sol y Luna School, Paqari for special needs support, the Sol y Luna Home, and Roots & Wings for further education.

"You might look at the rural houses in the Sacred Valley and think life there must be simple, even idyllic. However, the harsh reality is that all too often extreme poverty breeds violence, alcoholism and abuse. With no sense of hope, the light goes out in childrens’ eyes... At Sol y Luna, we create positive change by giving two things that all children deserve: love and education."

Petit Miribel, founder of Sol y Luna

There are many ways to get involved with the Sol y Luna Foundation: Make a donation. Become a member. Sponsor a child. Volunteer at the Sol y Luna School or Home. Donate clothes, school supplies or medication